Sunday, December 6, 2009

Smallest Snowman Ever

This is the smallest snowman ever made. 0.01 mm across! Tini-Tiny snowman! I bet Yeshua can make an even smaller one. I wonder where the phrase "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" comes from. I am having doubts about the trinity lately. Yes I believe Jesus is the son of God and that he is God but the whole trinity thing is kind of hard to grasp and understand. To God nothing is a mystery, from the most minuscule to the most grandest idea in the universe. He is very very smart. I am not. I wish that God give me wisdom. I need a Lord to direct me. Come into my Life Lord Jesus or Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth the son of most high. I have been reeding writings for the early church fathers such as the epistle of clement. This is kind of strange because I have not finished capturing the entirety of the recognized canon of holy scripture. I am just so fascinated with the idea of reading something that is not recognized by so many current so called Christians. I guess they are afraid of reading something that might not be beneficial to read. The book I am currently reading is The Lost Books of the Bible translated from original tongues. It has some books by Nicodemus and a fascinating book called similitudes. There are some strange books in this volume that are about the childhood of Jesus and Mary the mother of Jesus. The book claims many early Christian churches had these books, epistles and such in their collections.

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