Sunday, December 6, 2009


1. Ignatius, who is also called Theophorus, to the holy church which is at Tralles in Asia: beloved of God the Father of Jesus Christ, elect and worthy of God, having peace through the flesh and blood and passion and resurrection of our hope Jesus Christ, I salute in its fullness. Continuing in the apostolic character, I wish all joy and happiness to it.
2. I have heard of your blameless and constant disposition through patience, which not only appears in your outward manner of life, but is naturally rooted and grounded in you.
3. So Polybius your bishop has declared to me. By the will of God and Jesus Christ he came to me at Smyrna, and so rejoiced together with me in my bonds for Jesus Christ that in effect I saw your whole church in him.
4. After I received his testimony of your good will towards me for God's sake, I discovered you to be the followers of God, just as I had already heard.
5. Because as you are subject to your bishop as to Jesus Christ, you appear to me to live not after the manner of men, but according to Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that believing in his death, you might escape death.
6. As you are subject to your bishop, it is therefore necessary you should do nothing without your bishop; also be subject to your presbyters, as to the Apostles of Jesus Christ our hope, in whom if we walk, we shall be found in him.
7. The deacons also, as being the ministers of the mysteries of Jesus Christ, must by all means please you. For they are not the ministers of meat and drink, but of the church of God. For that reason they must avoid all offenses, as they would avoid fire.

8. In the same manner let us reverence the deacons as we do Jesus Christ, and the bishop as a father, like Jesus Christ the Son of the Father, and the presbyters as the Sanhedrin of God and college of the Apostles.
9. Without these there is no church. Concerning all which I am persuaded that you think after the very same manner; for I have received, and even now have the pattern of your love with me in your bishop.
10. Whose very look is instructive and whose mildness powerful, whom I am persuaded the very atheists themselves cannot but reverence.
11. But because I have a love towards you, I will not write any more sharply to you about this matter, though I very well might; but now I have done so with the fear that being a condemned man, I should seem to prescribe to you as an Apostle.
12. I understand many things in God, but I measure myself for fear that I should perish in my boasting.
13. For now I ought to fear more and not pay attention to those that would puff me up.
14. For they that speak to praise me, chasten me.
15. For I indeed desire to suffer, but I cannot tell whether I am worthy so to do.
16. And this desire, though it does not appear to others, yet to myself it is for that very reason the more violent. I have, therefore, need of moderation, by which the prince of this world is destroyed.
17. Am I not able to write to you of heavenly things? But I fear I could harm you who are yet but babes in Christ (excuse me this concern), because if you are not able to receive them, you might be choked by them.
18. For even I myself, although I am in bonds, yet am not therefore able to understand heavenly things:
19. Such as the places of the angels, and the several companies of them under their respective princes, or of things visible and invisible, for of these I am still learning.
20. For many things are lacking to us, so that we do not come short of God.
1. He warns them against heretics, 4. exhorts them to humility and unity, 10. briefly sets before them the true doctrine concerning Christ.
1. I exhort you therefore, or rather not I, but the love of Jesus Christ, that you use none but Christian nourishment, and abstain from pasture which is of another kind: I mean heresy.
2. For they who are heretics, while they seem worthy of belief, confound together the doctrine of Jesus Christ with their own poison,
3. As men give a deadly potion mixed with sweet wine so that with treacherous pleasure he who drinks of it, sweetly drinks in his own death.
4. Therefore guard yourselves against such persons. And that you will do if you are not puffed up, but continue inseparable from Jesus Christ our God, and from your bishop, and from the commands of the Apostles.
5. He that is within the altar is pure, but he that is without, that is, that does anything without the bishop, the presbyters, and deacons, is not pure in his conscience.
6. Not that I know there is anything of this nature among you; but I forearm you, as being greatly beloved by me, foreseeing the snares of the devil.
7. Put on meekness and renew yourselves in faith, that is, the flesh of the Lord, and in charity, that is, the blood of Jesus Christ.
8. Let no man have any grudge against his neighbor. Give no occasion to the Gentiles, for fear that by means of a few foolish men, the whole congregation of God will be evil spoken of.
9. For woe to that man through whose vanity my name is blasphemed by any.
10. Stop up your ears therefore, as often as anyone speaks contrary to Jesus Christ, who was of the race of David and of the Virgin Mary.
11. Who was truly born and did eat and drink, was truly persecuted under Pontius Pilate, was truly crucified and dead, and both those in heaven on earth were spectators of it.
12. Who was also truly raised from the dead by his Father, after the same manner as he will also raise up us who believe in him by Christ Jesus, without whom we have no true life.
13. But if, as some who are atheists, that is to say infidels, pretend that he only seemed to suffer, (they themselves only seeming to exist) why then am I bound? Why do I desire to fight with beasts? Therefore I would die in vain; therefore I will not speak falsely against the Lord.
14. Flee therefore these evil plants which bring forth deadly fruit, of which if anyone taste, he shall presently die.
15. For these are not the plants of the Father; for if they were, they would appear to be the branches of the cross, and their fruit would be incorruptible; it is through his passion he invites you who are members of him.
16. For the head cannot be without its members, God having promised a union, that is, with himself.
1. I salute you from Smyrna, together with the churches of God that are present with me, who have refreshed me in all things, both in the flesh and in the spirit.
2. My bonds, which I carry about me for the sake of Christ, (beseeching him that I may attain to God) exhort you, that you continue in concord among yourselves, and in prayer with one another.
3. For it is appropriate for every one of you, especially the presbyters, to refresh the bishop, to the honor of the Father of Jesus Christ and of the Apostles.
4. I beseech you, that you hearken to me in love, that I may not by those things which I write, rise up in witness against you.
5. Pray also for me, who through the mercy of God stand in need of your prayers, that I may be worthy of the portion which I am about to obtain, and that I be not found a reprobate.
6. The love of those who are at Smyrna and Ephesus salute you. Remember in your prayers the church of Syria, from which I am not worthy to be called, being one of the least of it.
7. Farewell in Jesus Christ. Be subject to your bishop as to the command of God, and likewise to the presbytery.
8. Love everyone his brother with an unfeigned heart. My soul be your expiation, not only now, but when I shall have attained to God; for I am yet under danger.
9. But the Father is faithful in Jesus Christ to fulfil both mine and your petition, in whom may you be found unblamable.

Smallest Snowman Ever

This is the smallest snowman ever made. 0.01 mm across! Tini-Tiny snowman! I bet Yeshua can make an even smaller one. I wonder where the phrase "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" comes from. I am having doubts about the trinity lately. Yes I believe Jesus is the son of God and that he is God but the whole trinity thing is kind of hard to grasp and understand. To God nothing is a mystery, from the most minuscule to the most grandest idea in the universe. He is very very smart. I am not. I wish that God give me wisdom. I need a Lord to direct me. Come into my Life Lord Jesus or Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth the son of most high. I have been reeding writings for the early church fathers such as the epistle of clement. This is kind of strange because I have not finished capturing the entirety of the recognized canon of holy scripture. I am just so fascinated with the idea of reading something that is not recognized by so many current so called Christians. I guess they are afraid of reading something that might not be beneficial to read. The book I am currently reading is The Lost Books of the Bible translated from original tongues. It has some books by Nicodemus and a fascinating book called similitudes. There are some strange books in this volume that are about the childhood of Jesus and Mary the mother of Jesus. The book claims many early Christian churches had these books, epistles and such in their collections.