Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Mother Says She Heard The Voice of God

   My mother was praying the Our Father prayer then she says she heard the voice of God.  She heard the voice say “Sometimes Doctors remove kidneys from people to put them in others.”  When she spoke to her Doctor later that week he told her that she might have level 3 renal carcinoma and had to have her left kidney removed.  

My mother wonders why she heard that voice so clearly before receiving news of cancer in the kidneys from the results of a cat scan after everyone thought she had appendicitis.  I do not know what to tell her and the Doctor recommends surgery and she is praying for miracles.  My mother is the sweetest person that I know and I hope only the best for her.  I also told her to consume turmeric with black pepper because I found on the internet that it shrinks tumors and closes all channels of cancer growth.  I also read that since turmeric is a spice pharmaceutical companies find it hard to create a way to sell it commercially as a prescribed medicine.

Below are plants   

Schefflera arboricola
Passion flower

Schefflera arboricola and the Passion flower.  The passion flower used to be used by missionaries in the past to illustrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Having three nails and a crown of thorns.  The reason why I put schefflera arboricola is because it is my mother’s favorite plant


This is a link to Christian testimonies in Spanish that are emailed to this website. 

Link:  In Spanish Christian testimonies.